
Restaurants in Ahrntal Valley and Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures

Just indulge your palate...

Erdäpfelplattlan, Graukassuppe, Buchteln, Pressknödel and Krapfen – for those who don’t know what we’re talking about, it all has to do with steaming, fragrant, hearty dishes beautifully arranged on plates. That’s how the typical fare of the Ahrntal Valley is presented, not only at the famous Street Kitchen in Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures.
And here and there, the Italian culinary influence can also be identified. Risotto with porcini mushrooms (made with mushrooms found by the staff themselves) and lasagnette are also to be found wherever delicious things are offered.

That which is so wonderfully presented here on summer nights under the stars in the mountains is also found on the menu all year long in restaurants, inns, and small cafes. Because in Ahrntal Valley, the typical dishes are not found only at Alpine meadow cabins.

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