
The valley of health

A place filled with energy - undwind, rest let go and feel free

"The more freely you breathe, the more you will live."
Theodor Fontane

Holidays – a time to sit back, unwind, enjoy life and maybe even return home a tiny bit healthier. And what's best: There's no need for doctors and medicine to make all that come true. All it takes is the right mix of good, clean air, unspoilt surroundings and the awareness of nature's own healing powers.

The Ahrntal valley is the ideal place for such an ambitious undertaking. Cosily nestled at the heart of the Rieserferner Ahrn Nature Park/Vedrette di Ries Aurina, it is a true oasis of peace filled with vast, lush green forests, pure air and skin-friendly mountain waters.



With nature's helping hand

Not all too long ago, countless princesses, rulers, merchants and other illustrious characters from near and far flocked to the Ahrntal valley. They came from as far as Egypt, Morocco, Venezuela and even New Guinea to rest and regain their strength in a world where the clocks seemingly run a little slower. Anton Mutschlechner, a wondrous physician from Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures who had spent the first half of the 20th century studying in Innsbruck, Vienna, Berlin and Paris, succeeded in curing them from a number of ailments which all other doctors had previously failed to remedy. His secret: the herbs gathered by farmers high up on their mountain pastures.

The doctor and his valley both stand in an ancient tradition which, since times immemorial, has provided health and well-being.

Far from the daily hustle and bustle, over the centuries this quiet world of pristine nature and mountain farms high up on the hillsides has proven a fertile ground for the development of a profound and singular knowledge of the healing powers of nature. Preserved and fostered to this day, this treasure chest of wisdom and conscience makes use of the soothing effect of many herbs and the power which can be drawn from original, natural sources.


Try it out!
The Celts believed that trees are inhabited by good spirits: If you hug an oak and ask it a question, the answer will come to you in a dream at night.


Take a deep breath

Scientists tend to praise the air of the Ahrntal valley all the way to the skies: The valley is characterised by pure mountain air – very little ozone, with pollution far below the legal maximum, and very low pollen concentration. But how come? For a start, because there is no through traffic and no industrial pollution. And the valley is of course surrounded by mountains – 80 of which are higher than 3000 m. And there's more: Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures has decided to aim high and become climate neutral, in an effort to help maintain the balance in the atmosphere by producing less CO2. This initiative too has had positive effects on the local environment.

But in this remarkable valley, fresh and wholesome air can also be found deep down at the heart of the mountains: The air in the former copper mine in Predoi-Prettau is so pure that even those suffering from asthma and allergies can breathe freely. And children too benefit from this positive climate, as a series of new studies have proven.


Did you know?
Singing lowers the body's stress hormone levels, boosts the immune system and helps fight asthma – and the Ahrntal valley has seven times more choirs and bands than villages!

What we have learned from water

A total of 38 glaciers cling onto the precious good, drop it into deep chasms of granite and gneiss and release it from their frozen claws near the valley bottom. In areas where softer rocks such a schist prevail, the water gushes from the rock bed in countless tiny springs.

In the days of yore, irrigation canals were used to channel the water into the fields and past the clacking of the mill-wheels, before it once again collected in the river Ahr and began its journey towards the sea. Paving its own way by overcoming all obstacles, water shows us what it means to swim in the river of life: It carries away the past and always looks towards the future. And it helps to let go – both of waste products within the body and a tension of the limbs. The waters of the Ahrntal valley have proven to be particularly skin-friendly, and many springs are renowned for their medicinal effect thanks to their sodium, calcium and magnesium content.

Give it a go!
Place some quartz in a jug of water together with a few more gemstones of your choice and treat yourself to an invigorating drink.


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A place filled with energy

Take a moment to unwind, rest, let go and feel free with every new breath. After all, those are the key ingredients to a life filled with zest and joy. Regular exercise contributes to a healthy circulatory
system, prevents diabetes, boosts the immune system, stimulates tired muscles and frees the mind. Studies have shown that asthma can be improved by cycling, power walking and swimming, and the Valli di Tures e Aurina/Tauferer Ahrntal valley offers an abundance of trails and paths leading towards better health. It is dotted with power places whose special energy has been felt for many generations.

High up on the mountain, close to skies: Enjoyed in moderation, the sun's rays can have a deeply wholesome effect on the skin and mind – lifting spirits and making for a clearer, more focused view. Whether on an easy stroll, a demanding hike or a thrilling via ferrata, the key is to find the right pace, keep the balance and economise your strength and energy. Those who live by this awareness and in tune with their inner self will be able to draw strength from many new sources of energy.

An ideal place for it would be around the little church Holy Spirit in Kasern/Casere. 

A hike to the Riva-Reinbach waterfalls
Waterfalls are typically surrounded by a gentle mist of tiny water drops which cleanse the tissue of the respiratory system and lungs, providing great relief. Studies conducted by the Paracelsus Medical University in Salzburg have found the Reinbach/Riva waterfalls near Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures to be an ideal place to enjoy the soothing effect of an ion drizzle. Ions are particles with a negative electrical charge which are created when water hits a surface. After spending only one hour near the waterfall, test persons have shown a 30% increase in the cleansing rate of the upper respiratory tract, while their perceived breathing quality went up by 24% and subjective stress levels decreased by over 50%.
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