Saturday - 12/10/2024 - Sun Paths in Ahrntal valley - 22 kilometers - 1.000 meters altitude difference
SUNNSATLAUF Run Ahrntal valley 2023 - RESULTS
All information:
- Distribution start numbers: from 7.30 am to 8.30 am - Hotel Fronza / Luttach/Lutago (toilets available at Hotel; please note: at the starting area no toilets available)
- Transfer shuttlebus to St. Peter/San Pietro for free (starting point / bus station Tourist Information Ahrntal valley Luttach/Lutago at 8.45 am)
- Start: 10 o'clock - St. Peter/San Pietro / odl casern
- Finish: sport area Luttach/Lutago
- Award ceremony and lottery after race at Hotel Fronza / Luttach/Lutago: around 4 pm.
- Participation fee: 25,00 € which includes: starter package for every participant, free transfer shuttlebus to St. Peter/San Pietro, backpack transport and lunch; drinks available along the route.
- Along the route you will find the following stops: Hofschank Waldlechn, Bizat Hütte, Platterhof, Stallila.
- Teldra Renna Club & Tourist Information Ahrntal valley
Our partners:

- Berggasthof Platterhof
- Berggasthof Stallila
- Bühelwirt
- Elektro RBI
- GustAhr
- Hotel Adler
- Hotel Bergland
- Kleines Kaufhaus Bixner
- Konditorei Christian
- Kristallalm
- Market Innerbichler
- Memo Alpine Outwear
- Moareggalm Klausberg
- Naves Steinhaus
- Nordic Physio
- Restaurant Schnaidaleachn
- Schwarzensteinhütte
- Skiworld Ahrntal
- Sport Mode Salomon Luttach
- Stoana
- Südt. Kunsthandwerk/Maranatha
- Tiroler Holzschnitzerei - Mairhofer Ivo
- Tischlerei Rauchenbichler KG
- Zahnarztpraxis Dr. David Ander
The run:
- Total length: 22 kilometers
- Altitude difference: 1.000 m

The organisator keeps the right to change the map if necessary.
Category men:
2005 - 1988 |
18 - 35 years |
1987 - 1974 |
36 - 49 years |
ante 1973 |
50 years and more |
Category women:
2005 - 1983 |
18 - 40 years |
ante 1982 |
41 years and more |
Online registration until 1 hour before race (for organisational reasons we kindly ask for an online registration)
Important: NO confirmation mail will be generated.