General description:Look at the photo for dog bag dispenser with waste bin for disposing of the waste left behind by your 4-legged darlings.
Here you can download the map of St. Peter/S. Pietro e St. Jakob/S. Giacomo:Where?
Zone St. Peter/S. Pietro
- Im Stoana
- Hollechn bridge
- In der Marche
Zone St. Jakob/S. Giacomo
- Wollbachgisse (2x)
- House am Bühel
- Garber
Important information for your vacation with dog:- Always keep dog on a leash.
- It is obligatory to have a muzzle with you at all times. It is obligatory to wear the muzzle in the public transport and cable cars.
- Dog feces must be picked and disposed of properly.
- Cows protect their calves. Keep your distance from grazing animals and keep your dog on a leash.
Please keep the environment clean and dispose of the dog bags in the designated collection points.
Description to arrive at destination:Sustainable with the public transportBy bus (line 450)
By carBruneck/Brunico - Weissenbach/Riobianco - 25 km
Kasern/Casere - Weissenbach/Riobianco - 27 km