Engl Joinery
Industriezone / Via industriale 6
39032 Sand in Taufers / Campo Tures
+39 0474 678560

General description:

Open and creative, flexible and innovative, loyal and reliable – we are experts in our field, but we are also people on whom you can depend. Who work sustainably, ecologically and economically. Who like to think one step ahead, and go the extra step so that at the end there is not just a piece of furniture but a unique work of art that will give you great joy for many years. From Tischlerei Engl, your joinery in South Tyrol.

Description to arrive at destination:

By bus:
Bus stop: Industriezone Sand in Taufers/ Z. I. Campo Tures

  • Line 450 from Bruneck main station to Sand in Taufers (Busbhf.)/Campo Tures (Autostaz.) - continue with line 455 – Bus stop "Sand in Taufers/Z. I. Campo Tures" - continue on foot approx. 2 min.
  • Line 450 from Kasern/Casere to Sand in Taufers (Busbhf.)/Campo Tures (Autostaz.) - continue with line 455 – Bus stop "Sand in Taufers/Z. I. Campo Tures" - continue on foot approx. 2 min.

Online timetable search on Südtirol Mobil.

By car:
Destination: Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures Industrial zone
Parking: Parking lot directly in front of the store
Geographical position:


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