
Considerate and safe in the mountains

The most important tips at a glance

Life in the mountains is a very special life: close to nature, authentic, challenging and constantly fascinating. We people of the Ahrntal Valley, the valley of over 80 three-thousand-metre-plus summits, constantly experience it when we are drawn to the heights for adventure. When we feel the power of nature as soon as the water of a mountain stream murmurs towards us. When a pack of chamois passes by us. Or we are overcome by the grandeur of the mountain summits. Amidst all the fascination, we are always conscious of getting around safely and how we can offer lasting protection to this unique landscape. Why not get involved in helping too - for your own protection and that of the environment.


Safety in the mountains
Litter in the mountains
What is the best way to pack my rucksack?
Plan your adventure
Find the best accomodation for you - fast and easy!
Children's age
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