
Safety in the mountains

We are always out and about in nature. No matter what the season. With bicycles, on foot, on skis, with pickaxes and crampons, or by toboggan. By day and by night. Make sure that you always remember that this unique adventure also carries risks. You can make your way in safety through the Alpine region with our recommendations for each type of sport.


What you need to bear in mind
Mountain and ski guide for safe ice climbing
Hans Kammerlander mountain guide
Josef-Jungmannstr. / Via Josef-Jungmann 8
39302 Sand in Taufers / Campo Tures
Mountain guide Gabriel Steger
Ahrnerstrasse 42
39030 Luttach/Ahrntal valley
Mountain guide Günther Ausserhofer
Via del Paese 29 Dorfstr.
39030 Luttach/Ahrntal valley
Mountain guide Martin Stolzlechner
Oberdorf 20
39030 Steinhaus/Ahrntal valley
Mountain guide Simon Gietl
39030 Luttach/Ahrntal valley
Plan your adventure
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Children's age
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