
Alpine huts & refuges in Ahrntal Valley and Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures

What would the Alps be without the alpine huts and refuges?

The Ahrntal valley e Sand in Taufers/Campo Tures is home to some ninety operating Alpine cabins on around 400 km (250 miles) of hiking trails, with fifty of them also offering food and drink, in some of them you can also stay overnight. That means: richly worthwhile hiking destinations and many possibilities to make a brief stop while underway, to feast upon a hearty meal, or to lean your back against a wooden wall that has been warmed by the sun.


The pace of the hike simply picks up when an Alpine pasture comes into view. It doesn’t matter whether it is a carefully tended wood-paneled parlor or a rustic, weather-beaten, and slightly leaning cabin, or whether there is boiling, roasting, and sizzling going on at the stove or just a plain wooden bench for a picnic and a fantastic panorama view right in front of the door.



>> Here the current list of the open huts and refuges to print out

Download: Alpine lodges and hiking tours

Talstube Restaurant Bar
Day off: Sat
Enz Schachen 3
Jausenstation Säge
Day off: Open every day
Rein 79
Jausenstation Angerer
Day off: Open every day
Bachertal 23
Mitte Hitte Speikboden
Day off: Open every day
Michlreiser Weg 19
Jausenstation Trejeralm
Day off: Open every day
Michlreis Speikboden
Hofschank restaurant Schüsslerhof
Day off: Open every day
Michlreiserweg 15
Malga Weizgruberalm
Day off: Thu
Selva dei Molini/Mühlwald
Hexenkessel Almpub
Day off: Fri, Sat
Enz Schachen 19
Innerhofer Alm hut
Day off: Open every day
Innertal 105
Pircher Alm hut
Day off: Open every day
Innertal 111
Jausenstation Roanerhof
Day off: Open every day
Oberpojen 30
Marxeggeralm hut
Day off: Mon
Innertal 109
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