
How to behave in sensitive natural landscapes

What should I be aware of?

Nature is our greatest asset. Without her there would be no human life and also, therefore, no formative experiences. Like in the whole of South Tyrol, here in the Ahrntal Valley there are some areas, which, based on various unique features such as their geological make-up or the flora and fauna, are particularly worthy of protection. This includes, for example, the nature park, habitats, wild animals or protected species of animals and plants. As we are conscious that we only have one planet, protecting our nature is part of our way of life. That’s why it is so important to raise awareness of this with our visitors too. This is because we will only have it once. And we want to keep it this way.


My contribution for a respectful treatment of the nature and landscape


Where consideration is needed
Behaviour towards wild animals
With protected plants and animals
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